We won´t leave you up
in the Air.

Technical Air Navigation Services Division (FSTD)


The founding of the GdF (Gewerkschaft der Flugsicherung - Union of Air Navigation Services) in 2003–2004
raised the representation of ATSEP (Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel) to a new level. Apart from getting
their first independent representation in collective bargaining with the GdF, the professional associations VDF
and FTI also secured the continuation of the independent representation of their professional interests.

The FTI was transferred within the GdF to the Technical Air Navigation Services Division (FSTD).

Several times over recent years the FSTD has had to adjust their focus in response to new challenges. It took on a leading role in IFATSEA (International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations), the worldwide federation for the ATSEP professional associations. Their objective is to establish internationally harmonised training for ATSEP and a corresponding licence, as has already been implemented in Germany and some other countries.

Ideally, the ATSEP licence should be implemented on a global basis, i.e, in ICAO Annex 1. It could be achieved
at the European level, that, beginning in 2020, the ATSEP initial training is mandatory binding in EU
implementing rule 2017/373. This required a continuous collaboration in European bodies and working groups of Eurocontrol and EASA.
In addition, the ATSEPS have been incorporated into the statutes of ATCEUC (Air Traffic Controllers European
Unions Coordination), an European TUC (Trades Union Congress), thereby establishing an interest group at the European level which goes beyond matters of occupational policy. Now ATSEP can also take part in the
"European Union Sectoral Social Dialogue - Civil Aviation".

On matters of national occupational policy, the division FSTD has become a respected partner for authorities on various levels.

The following will continue to be the main focal points for our work:

  • The international establishment of the ATSEP profession and further development of the ATSEP licence by implementation into ICAO Annex 1
  • The safeguarding and continuous development of working conditions and collective agreements
  • Represent GdF FSTD as a respected and competent partner and consultant in technical issues


List of Board members and Consultants of Division FSTD:



Divisional Head André Vöcking André Vöcking
Board Member, professional & social Andrzej Klose Andrzej Klose
Board member, national occupational policy Uwe Schindler Uwe Schindler
Board Member, lobbying Matthias Eversberg Matthias Eversberg
Board member, international occupational policy Thomas Schuster Thomas Schuster
Board member, internal and external communication Bernd Büdenbender Bernd Büdenbender
Board member, regulation Carla Martina Vogel Carla Martina Vogel
Referent regulation Timo Preuß Timo Preuß